Dona nobis pacem
miserere nobis

October 22th, 1952.Its evening, a little drizzly, as the windshield of my car was hit by soft pitter-patter of the raindrops that made through the walls of evergreens on each side of the road, leaving not a single soul in sight.It was a long drive to Withering Cove, but nonetheless I made the journey there, despite my tired eyes and general exhaustion. It must of been two days from home, a far larger metropolis by the name of Lourdes.The two places themselves had a bit of intertwining history. Withering Cove, once known as Gloria Cove, was once one of the largest port towns on the east coast, due to its local mines and access to the sea. However, as roads were developed, and the mines were depleted of resources, Lourdes was created so that far larger ships could be put into port, and had allocated far more space to create a bustling city that it is today-- But Gloria Cove started to lose their ships, and with the ships, the jobs, and then the people.It was renamed to Withering Cove by the townspeople, like a flower that was sucked dry of all the beauty and life it had, and was left to rot.Why would I even go to the ghost town, was simply from a request from a worried grandmother.Mrs. Pamela Corteau was a widow, losing her husband early on in the war. It wasn't long since I set up shop in Lourdes, fresh into being a private investigator, but it was something hard to refuse-- especially when such a gentle soul was sobbing over her missing granddaughter, Miley. She had not heard from her in two weeks, which was odd since Miley had the habit of calling her grandmother every night, before going to work.It seems since her last call, she hadn't gone to her job, either.So here I am, pulling up to hotel with a sign where a few bulbs were out, leaving only 'hel' only to light up in hopes that I can find some leads to this case...And hopefully, get Miley back home.


The most relevant in the missing case of Miley Corteau....

Miley Corteau

The beloved twenty seven year old songbird of the Pretty Begonia, who disappeared suddenly one late night in October.The young woman moved to Gloria Cove to find a safe haven from her abusive boyfriend, Adrien Wotts, and to free herself of her family ties to pave a new life for herself. Taking history and sciences at GCU, she hoped to become an archivist at the local library as she figured out her next steps. Of course, schooling was costly, so she taken jobs at the Pretty Begonia as a singer on weekday evenings, and Sam's Diner as a waitress during the weekends.She would meet all sorts of people this way, worming her way into their hearts, making their reaction to her disappearance all the worse.Who would want to harm someone who felt like sunshine?

Pierce Huffman

A naive twenty three year old man, a novice detective of the Cowell Investigations Firm tasked by Pamela Corteau to find her granddaughter, Miley.Up to this point, he was only an intern, doing general tasks in the firm in order to have experience, though he would of preferred to get field experience over making coffee and copying papers for other people. So, when an elderly woman mistakes him as Lance Cowell to find out what happened to Miley Corteau, he lies about who he is in order to get his dreams kickstarted and live the life he was dreaming of.But as every visitor of Gloria Cove learns, nothing is as it seems, and it will take a toll on the young man as everything he had ever knew suddenly flips on its head.He will learn that he needs to trust his gut more.

Huck Miller

A thirty five year old man, going to GCU for mortuary science. One of the suspects for Ms.Corteau's disappearance.Lover of the arts, Mr.Miller spends many hours of his free time searching for paintings and exhibits, and delights in meeting others with similar interests, hence how he came to encounter Ms.Corteau. In the evenings, he would often wander the red light district of Gloria Cove, going to bars and playing poker in a few of the gambler's dens in the town.There was a point in which Ms.Corteau tried to set him up with the local gravekeeper, only for the man to blow his chances due his behaviour at a certain beach party. Not a fan of skittish people, he was delivered a black eye and escorted out of the get together.Otherwise, the man is not that sociable, often keeping to himself trying to get his work done before the scheduled deadlines.

Celio Monroe

An excitable twenty one year old student of the GCU's history courses, and a suspect for the disappearance of Miley Corteau.Mute after an accident in his childhood, Mr.Monroe has always struggled to reach out to others, and thus lost himself in books, as a form of escapism. So, when he met Ms.Corteau, he would cling onto her like a beacon as she shown no malice towards him and his interests. The two would often visit the farmer's market on monday mornings, and were working on a project together for the first part of the term.He isn't liked by all, unfortunately, as an incident during a beach party he almost was harmed by a different student of a different course, only for someone to break up the fight before it occurred.He fully believes his unique knowledge could prove use one day, if anyone could actually take his hobbies seriously for once.

Mira Foster

A timid fifty nine year old botany professor of GCU, and a suspect of the missing case of Miley Corteau.Mr.Foster is a kind old soul, losing both his husband in the war, and his adopted daughter through illness. So, in turn, he focused on all his efforts to assist his students, as he fought through his grief. One said student, was Miley Corteau, who he sheltered in his daughter's old apartment, taking care of any expenses so she could get back on her feet from her abusive relationship.The pair bonded from their trauma, and had spent their time outside of the university at the garden plots at the local park, talking about life and working through their issues as they put their hands into the dirt.The man has been frantically asking for help to find the young lady, and had no luck with the police-- leaving the older man fearing the worst.

Dumisa Carlisle

The thirty two year old Gravekeeper of Gloria Cove, and Mr.Huffman's right hand in investigating the case of Miley Corteau.Ms.Carlisle has quite the trouble past, according to many in the town. Once a carny of the Morning Glory Circus, she escaped the life as the freakshow giantess as a miss Miley Corteau broke her out of her cage and helped her flee from her mistreatment, and brought her to the modern world.It was then, the duo learned that she had the inheritance of a distant relative of Ursala Carlisle, in which gave the strange woman the archipelago islands around the Cove, as well as the giant mansion under the clause of her needing to maintain all the graveyards the town has to offer. With her newfound wealth, Ms.Corteau helped Ms.Carlisle become as glamourous as she is today, as the duo became thick as thieves to the point that Ms.Corteau had introduced the tall woman to the Pretty Begonia, which she now resides as a side gig as a singer.Ms.Carlisle is desperate to help find the root of Miley's disappearance, willing to jump into action to assist Mr.Huffman, no matter the cost.